636 Patrick’s Point Drive
Trinidad, CA 95570
William Moir
We have a beautiful community garden near our Walk About Joy Center that serves the food and flower needs of the Adidam Community in and around Trinidad. We have two greenhouses, plots for vegetables and flowers, and a composting system that recycles kitchen wastes and yard mulches into fertile soils for those beds. It is a working garden with over 50 plots and greenhouse tables in all stages of soil preparation, crop rotation, and plant growth. The garden is landscaped within a redword forest glade along Patricks Point Road about 1/2 mile north of the Chevron Station at Trinidad.
The 4.3 acre property was purchased in 2000 by Don MacGregor and Stephanie Samuels to expand support for the Adidam Trinidad community at Walk About Joy. The garden serves 18-20 people.
The dahlia bed was the first formal garden to provide flowers for Temple offerings in our devotional life. The small greenhouse was added by Jack Lewis to serve the begonia collection and grow lettuce for the cooperative lunch program. These were intitally cared for, and continue to the present, under the skills of Eileen Mulvihill, now 85 years old and still gardening. She also planted and tends virtually the entire flowering displays at Walk About Joy, the nearby community residence, communal kitchen, and bookstore.
The large greenhouse was built in 2006. It serves production of starts and creates environments for warm season and tropical plants. By 2010 there were about 50 raised beds over the terraced area, including one bed specializing in local wild food plants. This and most other beds provide yearlong greens for smoothies, inspired by Victoria Boutenko’s book (Green for Life) and Adi Da Samraj’s recommendations (The Raw Gorilla).
In 2008 William Moir began a two-stage, open-aerated soil composting system for recycling kitchen scraps and various mulches. Up to 20 gallons of kitchen scraps are composted weekly. By 2010 about 9-10 cubic yards of rich organic soils were returned from the composting system to many of the raised beds, and yields of vegetables and flowers were increased.
The garden is integrated with landscaping around the residences within this redwood forest glade. Fruit trees, horticultural shrubs, and native plants are elements of the planned landscape.